sphero-, spher-, -sphere-

(Greek: ball, round, around; globe, global; body of globular form; by extension, circular zone, circular area)

earth spinning.
sphero cephalus, spherocephalus
A monster with absent or rudimentary lower jaw, occlusion of the the fauces (throat), approximation of the ears, lack of the bones of the face, marked deficiencies in the frontal and sphenoid bones, and with a vesicular brain or hollow organ containing fluid like a blister.
A change in the amount of spherical aberration (defect in a lens or mirror) visible in a lens that occurs with a change in the color of light used to test the lens.
A combined spherical and cylindrical lens, one surface being spherical, the other cylindrical (a lens in which one of the surfaces is curved in one meridian and less curved in the opposite meridian; for example, a teaspoon or a football).
spherocylindrical lens
1. A lens having one surface that is a part of a sphere, while the other is a part of a cylinder.
2. A lens ghat has one spherical surface and one cylindrical surface.
A medical condition in which the red blood cells lack the normal biconvex shape (having both sides convex or curved or bowed outward) and instead are globular spheres.

The cells are more prone to physical degradation and so they may lead to hemolytic anemia (abnormal breakdown of red blood cells).

spherocytic anemia
A type of anemia, often hereditary in origin, characterized by the presence of spherocytes in the blood, a condition in which the concentration of hemoglobin in the circulating blood is below normal.

Symptoms include jaundice, splenomegaly, and fragility of the red blood cells.

Such a condition is caused by a deficient number of erythrocytes (red blood cells), an abnormally low level of hemoglobin in the individual cells, or both of these conditions simultaneously.

Regardless of the cause, all types of anemia cause similar signs and symptoms because of the blood's reduced capacity to carry oxygen and these symptoms include pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, weakness, dizziness, easy fatigability, and drowsiness.

Severe cases show difficulty in breathing, heart abnormalities, and digestive complaints.

spheroid articulation, articulatio spheroidea
A type of synovial joint; such as, that of the hip or shoulder, in which the rounded head of one bone lodges in a concave surface on the other bone; a ball-and-socket joint.
spheroid, ellipsoid of revolution
1. A three-dimensional object that is shaped like a sphere, but is not perfectly round; such as, an ellipsoid or a geometric surface or a solid figure shaped like an oval.
2. Having a shape that is approximately spherical.
3. Any globular body, or one resembling a sphere.
4. An ellipsoid (a geometric surface or a solid figure shaped like an oval) generated by the rotation of an ellipse (a two-dimensional shape like a stretched circle with slightly longer flatter sides) around one of its axes or a straight line around which a geometric figure or a three-dimensional object is symmetrical.
1. Relating to or referring to something that is shaped like a spheroid.
2. A body that is shaped like, or resembles, a sphere, but is not perfectly round or spherical.
3. Roughly spherical, approximately round or ball shaped.
spheroidal galaxy, elliptical galaxy, E galaxy
A galaxy whose overall shape ranges from a spheroid to an ellipsoid, without any noticeable structural features.
spheroidal recovery
The hypothetical return of the earth to a spheroid (spherical) form or shape after it has been distorted.
A descriptive term for for a figure resembling a sphere; especially, an ellipsoid or a surface whose intersection with every plane is an ellipse (or circle).
spheromachy (s) (noun), spheromachies (pl)
Competing with "balls"; such as, golf, bowling, tennis, basketball, baseball, etc.
spheromancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by utilizing a crystal ball: Spheromancy involves the act of staring into a crystal globe (crystal ball) supposedly in order to arouse visual perceptions of the future, etc.

Spheromancy, or crystal gazing, may be used by practitioners, sometimes called "readers" or "seers", for a variety of purposes including predicting distant or future events, to give character analysis, to tell fortunes, or to help a client make choices about current situations and problems.

Cell inclusions producing oil or fat globules.

Intracellular fatty globules as a whole.

Related ball, sphere-word units: glob-, glom-; hemoglobin-.